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The open,uncut and unapologetic account of a pessimistic,self-centered,constantly cribbing,highly intelligent yet incredibly stupid fruit.

Monday 2 December 2013

16 life lessons I've learnt from Ram-Leela

1. It is OK to shoot a child if he urinates inside your compound.
Because, you know, fuck Child Welfare. He's a member of the other caste, so it's pretty obvious that you can shoot him down.

2. We should respect our women.
Shooting children is a different story. Ram and his whole clan respect women. They respect women so much that Ram even runs a pornographic theater and DVD library dedicated to the spirit of women. He is also quite the gentleman with his expressions. And his friends enjoy the occasional rape after downing half a bottle of beer. So much respect.

3. Anything less than 3 inches of cleavage is uncool.
In a land where women hold such a high amount of respect, it is obvious that outfits revealing less than 3 inches of cleavage are soooooooooooooo 2008, bro. Yes there is a high possibility of you getting raped, but it's the same if you're gonna wear a burkha. So go ahead, look like a dirty skank! Yay feminism!

4. French kissing is a great way to break the ice with the stranger.
Don't worry if you're nervous to speak to the girl of your dreams. Just go and make out with her the moment you lay eyes on her. Or just look at her creepily enough for her to come make out with you. Works all the time, especially during Holi season.
Oh and it doesn't matter if she's from the rival clan and you make out with her in front of hundreds of people of her clan. Or that she's the daughter of the clan's Head. They will definitely look away when you guys make out and will spot you only after you're done with that along with a bit of dancing. Completely cool.

5. Dancing half-naked with dozens of women makes you an eligible husband.
Do you own a pornographic theatre? Have you had sex with every woman in the village? Do you boast about it to your family? Well, that's awesome! OFCOURSE every girl wants to marry you, especially the hottest woman who also happens to be the daughter of the rival clan. Pliss to post on shaadi.com, your profile will receive maximum hits. Along with the photo of you shirtless with oil smothered all over you and tons of women wanting your dong.

6. Fuck dancing lessons. If you've got dandruff, your name is Michael Fucking Jackson.
Because, Tattad Tattad. Fuck yeah!

7. Doing pelvic thrusts with a bunch of random guys and touching yourself in public is not gay AT ALL.
It's called swag juice.


8. Poetic vulgar SMSes always make a woman wet.
Worsworth who? Keats what? If you want to make a woman want your schlong, nothing does it better than sending her dozens of vulgar SMSes. Oh yes, if the sentences rhyme like a Bhojpuri song, it's almost 100% certain that you're gonna get laid.

9. Dancing = Foreplay. So, LOTS and LOTS of dancing, please.
So you're meeting the babe of your dreams and sneak her into your shop to make the sweet sex with her. What do you do? Dance. Dance like there's no tomorrow, because second base/third base doesn't do it anymore. Dance like a motherfucking monkey on coke. And in the end don't have sex. Just roll around on the floor for exactly 33 times and then go home.

10. It's completely OK to touch a woman's breasts the second time you meet her.
I'm telling you, this is 2013. Just go for the titties.

11. It is not OK to sleep in the same bed without getting married.
It is okay to make out with a stranger without EVER talking to him. It's fine if he's had sex with every woman in the village(which each woman has a detailed report about). Dancing like a motherfucker with the occasional boob touch is still cool. It's awesome if you guys elope after all this. But please, fellas. This is India and we should respect our culture. IT IS NOT OKAY TO SLEEP IN THE SAME ROOM WITHOUT GETTING MARRIED. NOT COOL.

12. Exhibitionism is awesome
Now that you're married, you can have sweet baby-making in a lodge with a window with no curtains or blinds, through which the whole town can watch you do it doggy-style. So what if both your clans are hunting for both of you with loaded rifles. Public sex is a turn-on and it's the most important thing. Even if it means losing your lives. Or your heads. Or both, actually.

13. Villagers use Twitter all the time.
Yes there's no electricity most of the time, but every villager in this country has Twitter. Hell, he's probably tweeting 'No electricity for past 7 hours. Shit, yaar' as we speak.

14. Your opponents' guns will never work if you are within 10 metres of shooting distance.
Countless Bollywood movies have taught me this, but Ram Leela has confirmed it. Thanks, Bhansali!

15. If your daughter has a wedding ring on her finger, cut the finger off.

16. You need a sanctioned order for Genocide.
Who cares if you can shoot anyone you want including children, and are free to rape any woman who you fancy, or that you never gave a fuck about the police before. If you want to wipe out an entire clan, you HAVE TO stick to the rules, and get an order of approval from your clan Head and only then can you proceed for genocide. Makes sense, na?


  1. thanks man! can we meet and discuss cinema , love and life over a cup of coffee ? I'd love to know your amazing point of view regarding all the aforementioned topics cause I obviously don't have credibility. if only you had mentioned your name instead of being anonymous !
    thank you so much for your feedback . looking forward to basking in your glorious presence.

  2. More than the write up itself i like the anonymous comment above...would love to buy another cup of coffee and share the table with you guys and figure out the profound thoughts he/she has about cinema...i have lots of comments about 'Saawariya' which i would voice then!!!

    1. HAHA thanks a lot, man! I can't wait to meet this person either!

  3. I have a strange feeling that anonymous is SLB himself or maybe Ranbeer Kapoor...heard he is still hung over about Deepika Padukone!!!

  4. "Don't criticize what you can't understand. Be it someone's sexuality or their bizarre taste in movies or the color of their socks. It ain't your life."
    Remember those line!!

    1. Is that a reply to me or the anonymous critic? And by the way, nice Bob Dylan reference! :D

  5. seems to be more of a hate article brother :) im no critic.. just a film lover .. u seem to be having a problem with fiction and reality :) ironic that you seem to be conveying conservative thoughts through non-conservative words :) and i see that you guys take saawariya as an example to show how bad SLB is.. umm he's done 7 movies 1 flop, others box office record makers :) he is from the film and television institute of india and i hope u are aware of what it takes to study in that institution :) his knowledge is beyond any of us yapping around and running our mouth here :).. if ur capable of watching Much Ado About Nothing, read Romeo and Juliet, i think u can watch this movie too :) seems like uve never touched breast or french kissed ever, thats how desperate this article simply sounds :) btw im anonymous because i dont think its worth revealing my identity on this particular forum that is spreading hate :) Peace :)

    1. Man, you are making so much sense right now, I do not know how to repay you! You are officially my idol from this day on!

    2. and please , please can you tell me how it is to touch 'breast' or to french kiss? I live in a hole with a couple of mice and my grandmother so I have no exposure to such things :(

    3. lol u still have not countered anything i have said, except you go on and on about the breasts and the french kiss :p ur proving me right bro.. if i have to reply to u in ur way, u wana try a french kiss, do it with the mice and the breasts with your grandmother or vice versa :)

    4. The problem is your arguments are too profound to counter. I really can't match up to your intelligence so please excuse my lack of knowledge.
      And yes I'll keep that tip in mind :)

    5. lol seriously thats it? ur gona get away by volleying a couple of personal jibes? come on i expect more than that from blog writers! cluttering arguments with personal vendetta seems to be your logic :)

    6. I am an Earthling4 December 2013 at 05:24

      Lol whoever says Ram Leela is " a beautiful Indian interpretation of the classic story of Romeo and Juliet" doesn't seem to understand that:

      (A) Billy Shakespeare never intended R&J to be a "classic love story." It is a tale of 2 teenagers who saw each other one day, IMMEDIATELY fell in love, and suicided in just two days when they felt it wouldn't work out.

      Good ol' Billy just wrote a satire (plain Angrezi: made fun of) on teenage drama, angst and puppy crushes.

      (B) Ram Leela, or ANY OTHER movie/book which doesn't understand the aforementioned point, and tries to steal from William Shakespeare (thinking they are intelligent, but alas coming off as a lazy, unimaginative dumbass) is an EPIC FAIL.

      Great article, FlyingMangoes!

    7. HAHA, Nailed it!

      Thanks for all the love!


  6. @ Anonymous : Benchod saale! Muh bandh rakh....bada aaya saala tip dene waala...randibaaz!
    go wash ur mouth with detergent!
    the grandmother reference was highly uncalled for!

  7. @anonymous i believe, it all depends on your perception and i seriously appreciate your wisdom because if you don't like a commercial gimmick presented vaguely in the name of William Shakespeare, you are for sure Gay! Moreover, why adore fictions like The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, 12 Angry Men and Gangs of Wasseypur when you have shit like Raam-Leela and Sawariya ! So Profound !

  8. Very well written! Nice to have finally met someone! Keep those articles coming, you will definitely have me reading them, regularly. Btw ignore those who love movies (even movies as stupid as this), we need to get them to watch the classics of Hollywood and Bollywood may be (movies worth watching a 100 times).

    I will always say " Ram-Leela was a stupid dumb movie. Cya!

    1. Thank You so much Indhuja! I don't do these posts too often (you'll know if you've read my past articles) but yes the articles will be flowing in as long as there are wonderful people like you reading them :)


  9. I love the fact that how anonymous writers can be so bold in their comments! :p

  10. Totally with you on this 1 bro! :D most of these were the exact same points which went through my mind while I was watching this movie!

    especially that one.. "how can we sleep in the same room without getting married"? this one was hilarious! she asked that after all those things that happened before :D

  11. which of Shakespeare's work thought you to be judgemental about a person you dont even know? For me this was a good read. N about the movie, some people like it n some dont. Everyone has the right to express their points. Whats all this about getting a life? The writer has humor in his life, isn't that enough to make it a good life?

  12. Awesome!!!! I totally agree.. I found the movie to be absolutely worthless. And I do not understand why "Anonymous" is getting so much hyper on this matter. Anybody with an average intelligence would understand how stupid the movie is. Anyways I loved the way you wrote(especially the sarcastic 'notes') and keep up with the good work. Looking forward to reading more from you. Thumbs up!!!

  13. I haven't seen this movie yet. You know, because.............. But now....After reading this I kinda want to :D

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I really like the article. It's not a hate article at all! Infact seems more of a satire on the whole movie.
    Its a fun read.
    also, after reading the comments above, I, now know, what kind of people go and watch Kkrish 3 and all those Salman Khan flicks and make them blockbusters -_-

    1. Ofcourse it's not a hate article, it's anything but a hate article. It's a simply sarcastic tribute to the insane spirit of Bollywood!

      Thanks for reading, and cheers!

  16. nice review...those things did crossed my mind...story was totally not upto the mark....but i did liked the whole setup,songs and the dance....so,,it was a good "time-pass" i would say...:)

    1. Ofcourse, the scale was magnificent, and I wouldn't say there was a single boring moment in the film. It was highly entertaining, but my point of view pertaining to entertainment might slightly different from average viewers :)

      Thanks for reading, Zora! Cheers!

  17. flyingmangoes (Raunak, I believe?), you have a brilliant sense of humour. Quite disliked the movie myself, but..you know, its Bollywood, director chahen toh kuch bhi ho sakhta hai xD

    I also have one thing to say to the 'Anonymous' hater: Its really easy to diss people without an identity. The blogger was putting his point across and had every right to do so. If you feel so strongly otherwise about the movie, I suggest you counter with relevant examples and factual points than go on a random rant about the bloggers personal life! We're all adults here, no?
    [BTW, putting a smiley between two vindictive statements doesn't make tthem sounf cool and sarcastic, it makes you seem quite an idiot. Just saying. ;) ]

    1. Hi Anuta, it's Raunaq, by the way, thanks for trying :D

      And also, thanks for reading the blog and defending my case against the 'genius anonymous' who claim to be profound through their absolutely baseless claims.

      Keep reading, and cheers!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hey Raunaq (cool way of spelling Ronak?),

    While your article is funny, its the juxtaposition of fantasy with reality that gets the laughs. One could do the same for any non-Anurag Kashyap movie, say Deewar and make a list that starts with "1. If you are a child boot polisher, always say "Main Phenke Hue Paise Nahin Uthata" to a rich man with a big car- instant respect yo! 2. Fake atheism and antagonise your mother until the crucial moment when you are going to die. Then take out all of your anger against a god, whom you now believe in and die in the arms of aforementioned mother. hashtag straight to heaven." etc etc :) My point being, yes, Anurag Kashyap and his ilk are great, but stop viewing everything through the same pomo prism.

    Still I wonder, compared to all the real evil that parents perpetrate on their daughters and sons who fall in love with un-approved choices, isn't what Dhankor does in the movie almost mild in comparision?

    As for Ranveer's character, compared to the men (boys? man-children?) in real life, who watch illegally downloaded porn (and used to watch middle of the night porn in collusion with the cable guy when they were younger and internet was dial-up, whose first stop on going to anywhere on the east coast of America is a strip club), isn't his open honesty about what he does, almost, dare I say, refreshing?

    Re: their kissing in the first moment: Don't people in real life make out, heck, even have sex in something called a one-night stand? Is SLB evil for introducing some romance into what is generally more of a wham bham thankyou ma'am sorta situation?

    I am no SLB fan, I have seen only Devdas on screen and Khamoshi is my favorite, but I watched Ram Leela 4 times already.

    In the days of Gangs of Wasseypur and Girl in Yellow Boots, where even Salman Khan is no longer Prem, its good to see lovers, however flawed.

    1. Hi punee,
      Thanks for reading!

      Firstly, I'm glad you could out some actually relevant points, unlike a few anonymous haters who think they're being profound with their absolutely useless statements.

      Let's make one thing clear. However stupid I find Ramleela, I DO NOT HATE the movie. It's just my way of celebrating Indian cinema with sarcasm. I'm not saying that anything except that of Anurag Kashyap sucks. I've never said that!

      True, what happens in Dhankor is mild in comparison to what happens in the real world. But promoting completely unnecessary violence is not a symbolic representation of real life, nor does it mirror real life. It simply glorifies violence in a stupid manner.

      As for Ranveer's character, okay he's openly honest about what he does, but does that make him an eligible bachelor?

      Thirdly, one night stands are common. But there is always atleast a reasonable conversation preceding that. Noone in the right mind goes and kisses a person at the first sight. Come on.

      And you call these people flawed lovers, but you fail to understand there is a difference between love and this little concept called 'lust'. And Ramleela is nothing but a glorification of lustful violence.

      But once again, thank you so much for reading and giving valid points of constructive criticism!


    2. A movie is just that- a movie. It doesn't promote or demote anything- that is the job of managers at blood sucking jobs, na? :)

      This obsession with "show reality"- but only in the sets (umm, its a set, it can be as imaginative or real as the director pleases), not in the violence, not in the sex, not in the innocence of the girl who wants to get married despite kissing a guy on first meeting!

      You want him to show the ideal as you think it- ie that all eligible bachelors should be engineers/doctors, even if they have no personality, and are boring as f*** . But you don't see that for a Godmother's daughter looking to escape the violence and craziness of her family, maybe a guy who owns a porn shop and shuns violence for love is a great option!

      You accept that real life parents do worse things to their eloped children (I recently heard of a man in Punjab who came looking for his daughter and her husband - killed the husband, and then gave up the daughter to be raped *by her own cousins and uncles*), but that is a reality that you dont want depicted.

      But that the sets are operatic and not *real* is a big problem, na? Next you'll say that Deepika is too beautiful and you would rather have real life don's daughter act in the movie! :P

      As for one night stands, I don't know if you know that sometimes they are preceded by talking and sometimes you just see someone and go "chahiye tu mujhe" and that is that! Maybe not everyone is endowed with the right mind that you obviously do.

      And you fail to realize that almost every relationship is predicated on the first look and even lust can go on to become love as the person who was just a body slowly becomes a soul, mind and heart that you love more and more.

      Your narrow definition of love is a great disservice to those who fall in love with their bodies first and their mind/heart later :)

      You are welcome, I am glad to have this conversation with you. Most of the people I know in real life like you (lovers of Pomo arthouse cinema) cannot explain to me their reasons as articulately, so this is quite fascinating.

    3. FYI: The set designer is Wasiq Khan, who also did Gangs of Wasseypur and Gulaal.


    4. Boss, you're clearly not getting the point of this article! I'm not stressing on 'show reality' or anything, I'm simply putting across the points I found mind-boggling in the movie.

      Regarding the sets, it can be grand, it can be colorful but for crying out loud, it cannot look 'fake'. A few shots in the movie look like the houses and walls are made out of cardboard and look two-dimensional.
      And the thing you said about one night stands with that dialogue 'chahiye tu mujhe'...LOL it cracked me up. Who the fuck says that?

      For God's sake, please do not call my definition of love 'narrow'. Just because I criticized the point of making out without an iota of conversation, doesn't make me a narrow-minded romantic. I'm very much in love with a woman, and by no means is it narrow in any way.

      Finally, I'd like to tell you that I'm not some arthouse-cinema-fanatic. I enjoy something like Bunty aur Babli as much as I like an Oye Lucky Lucky Oye. I love cinematic liberties and flights of fantasy, as long it's genuinely entertaining and has ample justification to it.

    5. FYI, the set design doesn't only have to do with the set designer. It probably has more to do with the Director's vision. I feel the sets and lighting in Guzaarish were pitch-perfect, but as we've seen in Saawariya, Black and the recent Ram-Leela, Bhansali is known to be extremely self-indulgent and manages to cross the line that divides fantastic and fake (eg. that ridiculous bridge in Saawariya on the lake where one has to bend down everytime he/she has to cross it)

  20. I really liked reading this article. Hilarious in it's own right, you do point out a lot that constantly went through my mind as I watched with utter disbelief, this movie. The blatant repetition and reinforcement of the degrading and demeaning behaviour towards women and people in general is what allows all this to happen in our reality without anyone saying a word about it, or being silenced for having said it

    And Raunaq, hell, couldn't have said it better myself, with regard to the Shakespeare reference and the whole point of R&J.

    The movie was such a disappointment, and quite a disgrace if we're going into analysing every last detail, thank you for sharing. I give full credit to sarcasm in general, so kudos buddy ;) good stuff!

    Anonymous, jeez man, it's one thing to love movies, although there's nothing wrong with accepting that this wasn't Bhansali's best work, and would possibly be one of his worst. And frankly, that's what real appreciation and love for the movies is. Having great sets and music and costumes, though to an extent I disagree, doesn't make a movie. It's the story, it's the actors and their ability to convince. So just lashing out at someone for merely stating the problems they had with a film, which happens to be completely valid, just makes you seem really defensive and childish. Simply because you don't want to criticise or that you like the movie, doesn't mean that everyone else has to agree with you and feel the same way. It doesn't make them any less of a movie lover.

    1. May I also clarify that I meant I don't particularly agree that the sets were brilliant enough. They looked more appropriate for a theatre production than a movie.

    2. Thanks Kaveri!

      And yes, the sets at certain points in the movie looked like a theatre production, especially the village scenes during the Tattad Tattad song. So fucking fake.

      Anyways, thanks for reading!

    3. https://youtu.be/THG6gsQXkf8?si=uc9-NgiDc0qycd4e

  21. Raunaq is not spelt like this to make it cool , it's an Urdu word and that's how it's pronounced.
    Thoroughly enjoyed your piece, Raunaq. Why are people taking it/ you so seriously.

  22. it is a very funny article and yes alot of it is valid, but as @punee described above, its just a clash of reality with fiction. two things i entirely agree with you is that two songs Ramji ki chaal, and ishquan diskaun, should have been deleted from the movie altogether. and the extra cleavage show is way away from even the context of the movie .about why Ram the character is such, because he is that straightford, naughty flirtatious cheap man, doesnt mean he cant fall in love seriously, why leela can kiss him at the first meeting because she is this bold woman ,. inspite of all this she refuses to stay with him in the same room, because she wanted to get married with him as soon as possible. and the last one, it was purposely done by her cousin to give the whole blame on leela , so that she is killed too, and he gets to rule. yes it isnt a realistic movie..it is totally fiction, but it also has good acting, great performances and some good scenes. as you mentioned above, it isnt boring for a min.but bollywood is all about this, if we sit and critically analyse films like agneepath, zanjeer ,(old) ,there are also illogical stuffs happening there.
    about your writing, keep writing such stuffs, because it gives people like us ,to give it a second thought about the intricacies of the film.

  23. Anonymous. We get that you're you're in love with SLB and would marry him if you could, but, everyone is entitled to their opinion and in my opinion, your opinion sucks. If you're being such a child about this, block the site (and also many other sites with reviews of honest critics) and lock your self up in a room just that you don't end up hearing someones honest opinions and get hurt!

    Also, I personally loved Ramleela. I thought it was beautifully shot, its visual opulence was worth a watch (Like most Bhansali movies), the music was brilliant and the STUNNER that Deepika was in this one, but, this article, it's brilliant man. So accurate and well done! :)

  24. sigh. Sarcasm is very hard to get across when it is in text. All of what I wrote was sarcastic and it was aimed at all the people giving him shit for writing this article. Read it another time you'd get it.

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