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The open,uncut and unapologetic account of a pessimistic,self-centered,constantly cribbing,highly intelligent yet incredibly stupid fruit.

Friday 7 February 2014

Being Rahul Gandhi, the Superhero.

I don't know much about politics. I don't read the newspaper much, neither do I watch the news. I don't know much about amendments, bills, Left, Right, Cabinet, coalition, or how the Government is going to apprehend the violators of Section 377. Hell, I hardly even know how the elections in our country work.

Come to think of it, neither does Rahul Gandhi. As witnessed by the whole nation, the questions thrown by 'serious journalist' Arnab Goswami towards Rahul had no answers, or the same answers, akin to how most of us engineers(did I just call myself one?) answered or rather tried to answer the questions during our Viva examinations, semester after semester.

But the point here is, maybe he doesn't need politics. Maybe it's us who really need him.

I hadn't even watched the interview until it was talked about left, right and center on social media, my only go-to for any kind of news. And once I was 10 seconds into the interview, I was hooked, relying on the next 85 minutes as sole source of entertainment that evening.

And about ten minutes later, I have no idea why, but contradictory to 90% of the viewers' feelings, I started to sympathize for Rahul Gandhi. I cannot call it admiration, I cannot call it being inspired. But sitting through his set pattern of prepared answers in response to Arnab's constant drilling, I felt sad for the man.

15 minutes later. This man was my fucking hero.

Straight from a comic book

From someone who looked like a helpless onlooker for the first few minutes, became the silent guardian, the watchful observer, the underdog. As I watched Rahul pretending to struggle for answers, my mind immediately shifted to another dimension, drawing parallels between him and the countless comic book heroes we've all grown up with, and whose movies we not watch in over-rated 3D.

Think about it. The story of the Gandhi family plays out like a dark and gritty comic book. A lineage consisting of some of the most prolific icons of the nation, the Gandhis have seen it all. Independence, transition to democracy, election victories, supreme power, assassinations, scandals, scams and columns upon columns that contribute to tabloids, to this very day. The story of the Gandhis has even spawned at least half a dozen Bollywood movies, owing to its highly relevant context.

His grandmother, one of the most powerful women in India's history, was brutally assassinated by her own bodyguards, following which his father was forced to be the heir to the throne, that very same day. A few years later, he was assassinated too after a peace mission gone horribly wrong.

The mythology of Superman

When I think of how Rahul came to be Rahul Gandhi, I am immediately reminded of this particular quote in Kill Bill Vol.2, where Bill(David Carradine) explains to Beatrix Kiddo(Uma Thurman) about the mythology behind Superman.

He talks about the superhero mythology, about how there's the superhero, and then his alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, and he puts on the bat costume to become Batman. Spiderman is actually Peter Parker, but puts on the Spidey suit to become Spiderman.

But Superman, was born Superman. He did not ask to be Superman, but was born that way and brought into this world. The Superman outfit that he wears? He was born in it. His alter ego is Clark Kent, and he has to wear the glasses and the business suit to become Clark Kent. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us.

Similarly, Rahul did not choose to be Rahul Gandhi, like he clearly mentions in the interview. He did not choose to be a politician. He did not choose to attain a position of power. Everyone on social media can keep beating him up about his 'women empowerment, youngsters coming in, changing the fundamentals' kind of answers, but everyone conveniently chose to ignore the stark naked truths he confessed about him not being a politician.

The silent observer, the watchful protector

We all talk about bringing about change, but none of us have a clue how. All we talk about is politicians involved in scandals, about them being totally corrupt and how this nation is never going to change. Do you really think Rahul Gandhi is unaware of what goes around him? He knows the answer to every single question Arnab asked him. Every scandal, every riot, every single grey area in the political nexus. He has every single answer, but owing to his position, there are some things he cannot answer. And that's exactly when he talks about the RTI, because he wants the people to find out the answers for themselves. He may not be able to personally answer those questions, but atleast he knows the power of his position and trying to concentrate on the fundamentals and the real issues. The only reason he answered every question the same way wasn't because he didn't have the answers. He was only dodging them, and that's the best someone in his position can do.

Like Rahul, aren't we all part of the same compost heap who get pushed into a life we don't ask for? I, for a fact empathize with Rahul because I never asked to be an engineer. I got pushed into it, and I went through that for 4 long years. I never completely adapted to it, contrary to what others thought. And eventually, I found a loophole, got through it and found something I really wanted to do.

Rahul Gandhi may not be a politician, and was never meant to be. He is not going to win this year's Elections. But like Arnab said, he has his heart in the right place. He knows exactly what's wrong with the country, and some day or the other, he will find a way.

Some day, he will lead the change.

"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders."
- Jor-El(Russell Crowe), from Man of Steel 


  1. this was the best bullshit iv read today....

  2. Agreed..he is not fit to lead a bunch of kindergartners....heck I believe every a**hole who claims to be a politician doesn't have a clue of what needs to be done...except I do not yet know of Mr. Kejriwal, how he will be a change from his predecessors...and dude engineer to engineer...rahul gandhi is a retard...no official degree or education a weak link to end the chain of great forefathers...
