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The open,uncut and unapologetic account of a pessimistic,self-centered,constantly cribbing,highly intelligent yet incredibly stupid fruit.

Monday 9 January 2012

College ends. And so do a lot of other things.

Ask me three-four months ago about how I spent my college life and if I'd miss it all.

I probably would've said, 'Nah. I'm fucking glad I'm getting out of this shit-hole sooner than expected.'

And a week later, I'd have had a fucking epiphany about how I viewed college, or rather my time in college.

So it was my birthday, late September, and like most college kids who celebrate their birthday these days, I decided to buy booze for all of my friends and watch them 'make merry'. Drove all the way to Pondicherry to buy around 3-4 cases of beer(If you lived in Chennai, you'd know why we drive 2.5 hours to Pondi to get booze). Got back around 9 or so, and we'd decided to drink it the next day, that is, on my actual birthday.

Everything started out fine, all of us started drinking a little(there were around probably 10 of us). As time went by, the beers started to decrease in number and our buzz started increasing bit by bit. Everyone was having a fucking good time, listening to music, engaging in pointless conversations. After a point of time we were pretty fucking drunk, and more and more of my department mates(whom I didn't know that well) started coming in, wishing me, and I'd offered them all the beer. And in a little bit, the new entries were piss drunk as well.
What followed were a few conversations(I don't remember EVERY WORD, though, given the situation) that I'd treasure for probably as long as I live.
Me and a few people from the neighbouring class, to whom I'd hardly ever talked in three years, started talking about how we're in adjacent classes and didn't have the fucking chance to get to know each other, because of our gloriously anti-social,hypocritical,cringe-inducing,fucking ridiculous department(yes, Engineering is like that. Anti-social would be a damn understatement). For god's sake, there still are people in the other class whose even names I don't know, a few bastards who actually hate me, for god knows what reason, and spread shit around saying that I'm an arrogant prick(OK, maybe I'm a little arrogant but they don't even fucking know me) and that I look stoned all the time. What the fuck kind of a reason is that to hate somebody? Looking stoned?
"Oh let's not talk to that guy, he looks stoned all the time. And I heard he is arrogant also, so yeah, let's tell that to everyone."
Fucking pricks.

Anyways, as the night went forward, the guys told me that maybe it'd been different if I was in their class, and that they wished that I was in their class and that they got to know me better. I'm not completely sure if that was them genuinely expressing their feelings or if it was the beer talking, but I'd like to believe that a man never lies when he's inebriated, especially not when they start weeping like five minutes later.

And I never really realized it, but I felt the same. I told them that. God damn it, it was fucking true. I never had the chance to get to know so many people, not only in college, but even otherwise. The animosity that people create between everyone else makes us all believe that the other person isn't worth talking to, or that he/she is a bad person. We miss out on getting to know some of the most wonderful people that we will never meet, and we rather get stuck with people we should've never met. Such is life.

College, though however cruel it might've been for me, to force me into forgetting my true passions and aspirations in life, bludgeoning me with things I could never hope to understand(the same things which a few people understand and are so unbelievably proud of it and spite others because of it), not letting me socialize with people I really wanted to meet, and a hundred other reasons that I regret for taking up engineering, has really taught me a lot of things.

I've met few of the best friends I'd ever have in college, but the only regret I have is that I hadn't met them earlier on, because of the same aforementioned reasons. Animosity, and unnecessary,unwarranted judgments. Of course I did have friends earlier on as well, but I didn't know what made them start hating me gradually, and eventually we grow apart probably serving to the best of our interests. I don't have anything against them or anyone for that matter, but my issue is that the same certain people came in the way(indeliberately, of course) of meeting and getting to know my real friends.
And honestly,these people would never measure up to be as loyal or as close to the friends I have now.
I don't have to pretend, or be formal, or hide anything from my friends. They accept me for who I am, and we'd probably do anything for each other. And seriously, fuck everyone who thinks otherwise/that they're too good for me. Keep judging, keep spreading shit, keep hating. Seriously, fuck you guys :)
If you think you're too good for me, you're probably better off amongst yourselves. Have a good life :)

What I considered as mundane earlier, will serve to be memories which are indelible, etched somewhere deep inside. It's said that you can never forget two phases of life : school, and college.
Because after this, it's just : the pressure of getting a job, working for a boss who's head you'd want to shot and whose wife you'd want to fuck, finding a mate, getting married, having those fucking annoying miracles of life called 'children', watching them grow up and tell you to fuck yourself, watch yourself getting thrown out of their lives, growing old, getting arthritis,saggy skin and boobs, losing your memory, becoming senile, and finally, the best part of all, dropping dead and ending your insignificant, worthless, piece-of-shit lives.

All this ^  would just remind you of a glorious time in the past when it was all about trying grades every now and then, meeting girls, making friends and having your own kind of fun and be accepted, no matter how weird you are.

Fist fights, politics, cigarettes at 3 am, bike rides on the highway to get those cigarettes, pointless conversations, grades, arrears, dealing with rejection, falling in love, insulting people, that first experience with drugs, sarcasm, playing cards, beer, whisky, white rum, running around from one wine shop to another to try and procure all this, road accidents, dealing with drunkards on the road, ragging the professors, making love for the first time, house parties, copying , getting caught for copying, bits, trading porn, movie marathons, dealing with pricks, scoring pot, drunken madness, puking, birthdays, losing friends, gaining friends, maintaining attendance, hustling, hostels, cigarettes during the lunch break, short break, any fucking break, avoiding people, ignoring people, watch people get hurt, get hurt yourself, instigate fights, break up fights, head-spinning brandy, horrible food, canteens, bunking, the old campus, the staff quarters, the flats, acquaintances, friends,foes,and all the people who I've met,seen,or have had the pleasure to have known in college...

I'll miss this. I'm really, genuinely gonna fucking miss all this, especially when I hear that bell tolling, the bell that warns of us of the treacherous, scum-filled, maggot-infested underbelly of life in the real world.
These four years, though however eventful/uneventful, were a lesson, a booze-fest, a 'roller-coaster ride', to put it in the cheesiest way I can.

This is purely dedicated to all those people I've met during college. It doesn't matter if we'd ever been friends. But in someway, you've changed my fucking life. I love you, and peace to all of you. May life be not as harsh on you.


Random Drunk Nonsense #1

 Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted children? So be it! 
- Tyler Durden

I see people pretending to be in love, buying teddy bears and shit for some inexplicable reason. Is that love, now? Hey, who am I to judge, but still. Stop buying fucking teddy bears. Stop making 'friendship day' such a big fucking deal. You know that deep down, you don't have any fucking friends. You're on your own here, and all this is just a way to get by. Friendship bands, status messages, wall posts, tagged photos don't mean a fucking thing. You're still hanging out with the same old bunch of retards, people who don't really give a shit about you but you just feel they do. And you try to make up for it by pretending the same way. Such is life.

I see roads and alleyways and gullies being dug up for no reason. It happens bimonthly, I've noticed. It's all a fucking conspiracy. The government doesn't give a shit about you either, and you're duped into thinking that we're getting new roads. You're wrong. While you adjust with an hourly power cut each day, and standing in the line at 5 am in the fucking morning for two buckets of water, the fat lady in power is sitting in one of the largest secretariats in the world, that fucking monstrosity which represents nothing but all of our cumulative failures. 

I see people drinking a couple of beers and then picking fights with random people on the road. You're not drunk, you're not cool, you don't have a cool life. You just think you have one, and you're wrong in more ways than one.

Whatever happened to the 90s when there was genuine joy? Drinking cheap sodas, watching doordarshan and cartoon network, and buying fake Nike shoes. Noone pretending to be anything else, all us kids just wandering the streets, looking for someone to play cricket with. And now I see fucking 10 year olds irritating their parents into buying them fucking Android phones, and 11th grade kids getting drunk to prove they're cool in front of their retarded friends. What the fuck are you trying to do, kids? Get a fucking life. Get out, stop talking to your imaginary friend. Even he doesn't give a shit about you. Your parents don't care either, they just need you to shut the fuck up for a few fucking minutes. Have some mercy on them, they're trying to bring you up. And they haven't fucked in months. Stop bothering them , will ya?

I hate seeing people getting what they don't deserve. They don't know who the fucking President is, and they roam around in fucking BMWs. What is the use of getting straight A's then (not that I get straight A's, but you get the drift) ?
Parents, stop trying to give your kids shit they don't deserve. This country is growing even more retarded than it already is because of all the people getting stuff they don't deserve.

Coming to love, do most of you even know what the fuck love is? NO SIR, you fucking don't have a fucking clue. You look at a girl and 'DECIDE' that you're in love with her. You think buying her a teddy bear, taking her to a supposedly good restaurant proves that you're in love with her. You think that if you pursue some fucking random chick for a week, or if she responds to your pathetic message on facebook, that you're in love. It doesn't work that way, you pathetic souls. Doesn't matter how many days/months you stand below her window or follow her or anything, it isn't love. You're either in love with her breasts or you have nothing better to do. It's mostly the latter. 

And I see double.